Jesus wants us to experience the “greater things”

Experience the “greater things” Jesus has in store for us – a life beyond good, aiming for greatness. Following Jesus’ mission leads to a flourishing life, not just settling for the ordinary.

Let’s move beyond mere growth to creating a multiplying movement, building God’s Kingdom together.

Jesus calls us to embrace the extraordinary and resist the temptation of building our own empires, focusing solely on advancing His Kingdom.


March 17-20, 2025


3000 s. John young pkwy
orlando, fl

NewThing Community at Exponential

Join us for an unforgettable experience in Orlando at Exponential with NewThing. Experience multiplication breakthroughs during our NewThing workshop track and end with a fun House Party. Let's spend a week together, hear from God, and take our next steps towards Kingdom movement in our cities!

NewThing House Party

Join us on Wednesday evening, March 19th, for a gathering of NewThing leaders, partners, and potential friends on mission. We'll be at a restaurant with delicious appetizers, desserts, and a cash bar. Connect with other NewThing friends and invite anyone who's interested in being friends on mission!

Registeration details will be coming soon.

NewThing Pre-Conference
Movement Making for City Transformation

Are you wondering how to spread the gospel in your city or region? We can help. 

By attending our Pre-Conference, you can expect to be inspired, informed, and equipped with practical ways to multiply at every level, collaborate with other churches, and keep the focus on Kingdom building. You will hear from global leaders, learn practical tools, and honor Jesus through collaboration. 

We want all our friends on a mission to be there, including you and your teams! You will make new friends and have lots of fun too!

NewThing Workshop Track
City Movements:
Kingdom Over Castles

NewThing is ready to partner with you and your team to ignite a movement of reproduction. Discover firsthand experiences and practical insights from leaders involved in City Movements as they collaborate to establish churches. Be inspired to envision on a grand scale once more as we delve into the successful approaches taken by NewThing's City Movements and seek God's guidance together for your city.

Workshop 1: Experience a Breakthrough in Reproducing Disciples

In this session, you’ll discover the five elements of an intentional disciple-making ecosystem, and we will workshop through one of the elements so you can begin the work of contextualization and leave with a Spirit-led 90 Day Action Learn Plan.

Workshop 2: Experience a Breakthrough in Reproducing Leaders

In this session, you’ll focus on one of the essential practices of Jesus’ ministry and create your own dream for reproducing leaders with defined next steps to begin taking action on that dream.

Workshop 3: A City-Reaching Strategy You Can Start Tomorrow

This City-Reaching strategy is our field-tested, road-ready pathway to help you make an impact and become a Movement Maker. When disciples, leaders, and churches begin to multiply, networks are required. The new type of leader is re-emerging in the Western Church: the network and movement leader. Movement Makers start and sustain networks of disciples and churches that work together in John 17 partnerships to multiply more disciples and churches to fill cities with the Gospel. Discover a simple and scalable framework and the key skills for sustaining and multiplying networks and movements.

Workshop 4: Level 4 and 5 Churches - Pathways to Multiplication

Pathways to multiplication is our field-tested, road-ready way to help you make an impact and become a Movement Maker. That begins with multiplying disciples, continues with multiplying leaders, and that culminates into new expressions of the church: macro, mirco, and digital. It’s a brave new world in church planting, and this workshop will help you and your team discover a process to discern your future as a reproducing church, that can include multiple expressions of the church. This is not just about planting churches but sparking a movement of reproducing churches.

We want to say a special THANK YOU to our Strategic Partners who are helping make this year’s Exponential Orlando events happen: RightNow Media, Visioneering Studios, Compassion International, SolidCreativeDotMedia, and KC Underground. Each of these are part of our Strategic Partner Portfolio, a one-stop-shop for your greatest needs. We couldn’t gather leaders like you without friends like them.

Thank you to our Strategic Partners.