Global Events

Reproducing Leaders Catalyst (North America - Online)
The Reproducing Leaders Catalyst (RLC) will help you and your team develop a Hero Making culture based on practices found in Jesus’ ministry to multiply your dreams, initiate permission-giving conversations, develop an apprenticeship system that works, and activate your leaders’ gifts.

Reproducing Disciples Catalyst (Europe - Moldova - in Person)
This Reproducing Disciples Catalyst will be in person in Chisinau, Moldova on 7-8, March 2025. Register below.

Reproducing Churches Catalyst (North America - Online)
Whether you’ve planted one church or many churches, the RCC can help you to streamline your efforts to maximize your effectiveness and increase impact. This platform will help you mobilize simple, sustainable systems as well as understand how to keep churches healthy as they reproduce.
The Reproducing Churches Catalyst is designed for:
Churches that want to create a culture of multiplication and reproduction.
Churches or networks that have never planted a church, but are considering doing so.
Churches or networks that have planted, but are considering expanding their portfolio beyond the legacy model, and want explore other modes and models.
This isn’t a "how to plant a church in eight weeks guaranteed" course.

Reproducing Disciples Catalyst - (Europe, Ukraine - in Person)
This Reproducing Disciples Catalyst will be in person in Odessa, Ukraine on 24-26, April 2025. Register below.

Reproducing Disciples Catalyst - (Europe, Ukraine - in Person)
This Reproducing Disciples Catalyst will be in person in Kyiv, Ukraine on 28-30, April 2025. Register below.

Reproducing Disciples Catalyst - (Europe, Sweden - in Person)
This Reproducing Disciples Catalyst will be in person in Rimforsa, Sweden on 16-17 May of 2025.