The Movement System
The Movement System is our field-tested, road-ready pathway to help you make an impact and become a Movement Maker.
We help movement makers start and sustain:

Any movement begins with making disciples, who can make disciples, who make disciples.
Have you ever found yourself pondering the following questions:
Why is my church filled with “good people” who may become a little nicer because of our efforts, but rarely experience deep transformation and virtually never make a new disciple?
How do we shift from simply attracting new people to Sunday service into active evangelism from everyone in the congregation during the week?
How do we move beyond an assimilation strategy to a disciple-making strategy?
If you're ready to answer these questions and experience breakthroughs in disciple-making and multiplying, the Reproducing Disciples Catalyst (RDC) is for you.
In this RDC you will be equipped to evaluate and create a transformative and multiplicative disciple-making culture and strategy. That will happen as you’re provided with tools and resources on evangelism, culture creation, and a framework for discipleship.
Every church will also leave with a map for an Action Learning Plan to help you create an implementation plan for immediate application.
Contact your Regional Catalyst Team to learn more.

Often movements are blocked because their disciples aren’t becoming leaders. Or the current leaders aren’t reproducing more leaders; they simply do kingdom work without equipping others to lead as well. Whether you lead ten people or ten thousand, the Reproducing Leaders Catalyst (RLC) will help you and your team develop a Hero Making culture that utilizes practical apprenticeship.
Drawing on five essential practices found in Jesus’ ministry, the RLC presents practical strategies to multiply your dreams, initiate permission-giving conversations, develop an apprenticeship system that works, activate your leaders’ gifts, and develop a simple scoreboard that measures kingdom-building progress.
However, practices aren’t enough. Why? Because we know that “culture eats strategy for breakfast.” So we will also spend time helping you and your team shift the culture of your church to a model of reproducing and multiplication at the leadership level through a strong emphasis on apprenticeship, which happens as we do life together.
Every church will also leave with a map for an Action Learning Plan to help you create an implementation plan for immediate application.
Contact your Regional Catalyst Team to learn more.
RLC Berlin | October 9-11, 2024 (In-Person in English)

Leaders must have followers. And when a man or woman has a group of people following them that proclaim Christ, then they have a “church.” Every neighborhood and community around the world needs a church as the doorway to bring heaven down to Earth so we must start more churches!
The more churches planted, the greater impact for the Kingdom and this the key focus of the Reproducing Churches Catalyst (RCC). We need all forms of the church reproducing to reach all people in a city or region; meaning house churches, micro churches, traditional churches, digital churches, and everything in between.
Whether you’ve planted one church or many churches, the RCC can help you to streamline your efforts to maximize your effectiveness and increase impact. This platform will help you mobilize simple, sustainable systems as well as understand how to keep churches healthy as they reproduce.
Every church will also leave with a map for an Action Learning Plan to help you create an implementation plan for immediate application.
Contact your Regional Catalyst Team to learn more.

A network can be one of the same denomination or “family” that has been birthed or one from various denominations or backgrounds that has been gathered together. Either way, network leadership is a unique call and responsibility and we are committed to coming alongside you to help you start, sustain, and reproduce networks.
A local network of 4-6 churches working together to plant new churches eases the burden of church planting, yields more fruit, and is much more fun. We help leaders like you all over the world build networks of churches that plant new churches together.
The Reproducing Networks Catalyst (RNC) helps local churches launch a reproducing network that cares for leaders and works together. It includes coaching and training where we unpack our best practices in launching a church planting network. We’ll discuss leading and multiplying a network as well as the keys to fruitful collaboration.
Every church will also leave with a map for an Action Learning Plan to help you create an implementation plan for immediate application.
Contact your Regional Catalyst Team to learn more.

We’re sure you agree: The Church doesn’t have a mission – the mission has a Church. And it is the responsibility of the Church to reach the ends of the Earth. That result only happens when movements reproduce at every level.
What does it mean to sustain a movement into the next generation and the next generation and the generation after that? That’s where we come in, to come alongside visionary, apostolic leaders like you all over the world and help them start and sustain movements of reproducing churches.
The Reproducing Movements Catalyst (RMC) focuses on a clear vision for the ultimate goal and knowing the simple practices and principles that will enable you to not just reach movement, but to stay movemental.
It is also our firm belief that every movement needs to work with others in order to do more together than we could ever do on our own. Here we will again teach about collaborative movements that can change your city and country.
Every church will also leave with a map for an Action Learning Plan to help you create an implementation plan for immediate application.
Contact your Regional Catalyst Team to learn more.