Pastor Salim’s Ministry in Chhattisgarh: Empowering Tribal Communities with the Gospel

Stanley Selvan

Regional Director, Central Asia

In the heart of the tribal regions of Chhattisgarh, Pastor Salim is carrying out an extraordinary mission. As one of our master trainers, he is bringing the light of the Gospel to communities considered "backward" and largely untouched by formal education. His dedication to these people has not only brought spiritual transformation but has also ignited a movement of leadership and empowerment within these villages.

Over time, Pastor Salim has built strong connections within these tribal communities, raising leaders from the very people he serves. These leaders, once unfamiliar with the teachings of Christ, are now shepherding House Churches in their villages. They are the living testament to how the Gospel can transform not just individuals but entire communities, empowering them to lead and serve.

In May 2024, Pastor Salim conducted an impactful training session for these emerging leaders. His focus was on equipping them to perform baptisms and provide spiritual guidance to the members of their House Churches. His encouragement bore fruit on September 9th, 2024, when one of these leaders baptized five people in his House Church. This event was a monumental moment, not just for that local church, but for the entire network of believers in the region. The baptisms sparked a renewed zeal and enthusiasm among the community, inspiring others to move forward in spreading the Good News among the unreached.

To date, Pastor Salim has preached the Gospel in 84 villages across this tribal region. His ministry has touched countless lives, leading many to accept Jesus as their personal Savior. Through his leadership, he continues to raise up more laborers for God’s kingdom, each one committed to reaching the unreached and spreading the love and hope of Christ to those who have yet to hear His name.

Pastor Salim’s work is a powerful reminder of the transformative impact the Gospel can have, even in the most remote and marginalized communities. His efforts, and those of the leaders he has raised, are paving the way for a brighter future for the tribal people of Chhattisgarh, where faith, hope, and love are flourishing in ways never seen before.

Let us continue to pray for Pastor Salim, his leaders, and the people they serve, as they courageously share the Good News in places where the name of Jesus has never been heard. Together, they are building God’s Kingdom, one village at a time.


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