In 2024, NewThing continued its intentional journey toward financial sustainability and diversification. Historically, NewThing had been reliant on a few large donors, which created a fragile funding structure. However, in 2023, one of these key donors was unable to continue their contributions. Recognizing the need for change, we initiated a 36-month plan to onboard a dedicated development team and leverage our reserves to build a more diverse and robust donor base.
This strategy focuses on engaging individual donors, securing grants, strengthening relationships with donor churches, and fostering partnerships with strategic allies. Now, two years into this plan, we are seeing encouraging progress. While we strategically invested a portion of our reserves to lay the groundwork, we are on track to achieve a healthy reserve by 2025.
Despite these financial challenges, NewThing has continued to plant churches around the world, staying true to our mission of expanding God’s Kingdom and empowering leaders globally. The outcomes we are striving for include not only achieving financial stability but also advancing large-scale global initiatives. These initiatives will allow us to strengthen our partnerships, accelerate church planting, and create a sustainable future for the movement.
We are incredibly grateful for the strides we’ve made and the collective support of our donors and partners who are making this vision a reality.